August 24


What is Facebook Memorialization?

Facebook recently added a memorialization setting, meaning you can assign your account to a friend, family member or colleague when you pass away.

How do I configure Memorialization?

Go into your facebook settings:

What is Facebook Memorialization? 1

Here you will see your memorialization settings:

What is Facebook Memorialization? 2
Memorialization settings

Your Facebook legacy contact

Choosing a Facebook legacy contact allows you to select someone to look after your account after you pass away. They’ll be able to:

  • Manage tribute posts on your profile, which includes deciding who can post and who can see posts, deleting posts and removing tags
  • Request the removal of your account
  • Respond to new friend requests
  • Update your profile picture and cover photo

Your legacy contact can only manage posts made after you’ve passed away. They won’t be able to post as you or see your messages.

What is Facebook Memorialization? 3
Select your facebook memorialization contact

Facebook will send your legacy contact an email explaining what this means.

You’ll also have the option to send them a message straight away. They won’t be notified again until your account is memorialised.

If you don’t want to have a Facebook account after you’ve passed away, you can request to have your account permanently deleted instead of choosing a legacy contact.


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